Donate to We Count L.A. 2020

Contribution Information
Minimum gift amount is $5.00. Please enter amount with a decimal.
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Anonymous Giving and Special Instructions
As a contributor to this fund, your name and contact information will not be shared with any outside parties. You may keep your gift anonymous by checking the anonymous box:
Billing Information
Payment Information
Address must match the address on record with your bank/credit card company.
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California Community Foundation (EIN #95-3510055) has exclusive legal control over the contributed assets and did not provide any goods or services in exchange for the gift. The gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Please retain the emailed receipt for your records.

Contributions to the California Community Foundation represent irrevocable gifts subject to the legal and fiduciary control of the foundation's board of directors. This charge will appear on your credit card statement as a payment to "Calif Comm Fdn - CCF" or "Blackbaud Merchant Services."  In addition, California Community Foundation incurs a third-party administrative fee of 3.5% for American Express and 2.7% for other credit cards. The foundation will charge the fee directly to the individual fund.

To contribute via check make your check payable to the California Community Foundation, and specify the fund name in the memo line. Send to:

California Community Foundation
717 West Temple St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

CCF also accepts contributions via wire transfer, as well as gifts of complex assets such as stock and real estate. To learn more, contact Donor Relations at (213) 239-2300 or

Donors with CCF Funds: To donate from your fund, go to the grant recommendation page and enter a grant to CCF, with the fund name in the Charitable Purpose section.